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Why Happy Valley is Great! #6 – More Scaffolding – 「ハッピーバレー」が選ばれる理由!#6 さらなる足場作り

After 12 years Happy Valley remains an international favourite and best seller – here’s why!



Happy Valley was first published in 2012 in time for the 2013 academic year, 12 years ago.

In that time it has been a long-time best-seller on sale in 70 countries and voted by children in Japan as more popular than Thomas and Friends!

Happy Valley has helped hundreds of thousands of very young learners learn English.

We’re so proud of Happy Valley and incredibly grateful to all of our users all over the world across all these years.

In this series of short newsletters over 12 weeks, we would like to remind you why we think Happy Valley is great, and why so many of you seem to agree.

Following are comments and quotes from teachers who use Happy Valley, and the reasoning that went into what they noticed.

Thanks, truly, for all of your support.

#6 of 12

Following the learning principles of Vygotsky, Piaget, and Kelly, Happy Valley scaffolds language learning from simple recognition to independent sentence creation. Each stage prepares children for the next step, allowing them to construct language without being explicitly taught! 

📌 [Read Newsletter #5 here]

Now, let’s look at how Happy Valley 1 and 2 introduce language in a way that allows children to construct new sentences by themselves, without being explicitly taught!


Building Blocks in Happy Valley 1: Nouns and Adjectives

In Happy Valley 1, we introduce nouns and adjectives separately.

✅ Children learn words like tree, house, flower, red, blue, green
✅ They practise structures like It’s a tree and It’s green.

This lays a solid foundation for sentence construction and helps children build confidence in their learning.

🎵 Songs & Chants:

  • It’s a Flower Chant
  • Red, Yellow, Green, Blue song

Combining Elements in Happy Valley 2: Adjectives + Nouns

In Happy Valley 2, Unit 1, children take the next step: combining adjectives and nouns into phrases and sentences.

Instead of It’s a car or It’s red, they now say: It’s a red car.

This pattern is repeated with several coloured vehicles: it’s a blue train, it’s a yellow helicopter, etc. and reinforced through stories, songs, chants and gestures.

One of our favourites is the “It’s a Red Car” song, which gets children moving and singing along!

🎵 Songs & Chants:

  • It’s a Red Car
  • Vehicles Chant

Constructivism in Action: Let the Children Create!

The exercises in this unit involve giving students black-and-white outline illustrations and asking them to colour them in.

They then describe what they have created, forming new sentences naturally.

✨ Example: A student colours a helicopter blue and suddenly says:
“It’s a blue helicopter.”

This sentence was never explicitly taught! The child has built it using what they already know.

Why This Works:

✅ Natural Language Acquisition – No drilling, just understanding and using.
✅ Confidence Boosting – Children realise they can create language, not just repeat it.
✅ Scaffolding Done Right – Small steps lead to big results.


Clever Little Children. Clever Happy Valley.

With Happy Valley, children don’t just memorise words – they learn how to use language independently.

This is real learning, supported by fun, movement, and discovery.

Want to See It in Action?
🎵 [“It’s a Red Car” song]

Next time, we’ll explore how gestures, movement, and games enhance language learning even further!

🚗💙 Let’s keep building together!

Enjoy teaching your little ones, and remember, keep it simple!

More next week!

Happy Valley
Modern English 

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“Happy Valley Digtal is a game changer.”
Jarred Anderson, Kiwi English

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📌 [ニュースレター#5はこちら





✅ **tree(木)、house(家)、flower(花)、red(赤)、blue(青)、green(緑)**などの単語を学習
✅ It’s a flower.(それは花です)  It’s red.(それは赤いです) などの文型を練習


🎵 歌とチャンツ:

  • It’s a Flower Chant
  • Red, Yellow, Green, Blue song



例えば、It’s a car.(それは車です)  It’s red.(それは赤いです) だけでなく、**It’s a red car.(それは赤い車です)**と言えるようになります。

このパターンは、It’s a blue train.(それは青い電車です)」「It’s a yellow helicopter.(それは黄色いヘリコプターです)」 など、さまざまな色と乗り物に広がり、ストーリー、歌、チャンツ、ジェスチャーを通じて定着させていきます。

🎵 歌とチャンツ:

  • It’s a Red Car
  • Vehicles Chant




✨ : ヘリコプターを青く塗った子が突然、
It’s a blue helicopter.(それは青いヘリコプターです)」 と発話!



✅ 自然な言語習得 – 詰め込み学習なしで、理解しながら使う力を育てる。
✅ 自信の向上 – 子どもたちは単に繰り返すのではなく、自分で言葉を作れるようになる。
✅ 適切な足場作り – 小さなステップが大きな成果につながる。




🎵 [“It’s a Red Car” song] 


🚗💙 一緒に成長し続けましょう!



ジャレッド・アンダーソン、Kiwi English

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Happy Valley

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