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Why Happy Valley is Great! #5 LEVELS AND SCAFFOLDING「ハッピーバレー」が選ばれる理由! #5

After 12 years Happy Valley remains an international favourite and best seller – here’s why!



Happy Valley was first published in 2012 in time for the 2013 academic year, 12 years ago.

In that time it has been a long-time best-seller on sale in 70 countries and voted by children in Japan as more popular than Thomas and Friends!

Happy Valley has helped hundreds of thousands of very young learners learn English.

We’re so proud of Happy Valley and incredibly grateful to all of our users all over the world across all these years.

In this series of short newsletters over 12 weeks, we would like to remind you why we think Happy Valley is great, and why so many of you seem to agree.

Following are comments and quotes from teachers who use Happy Valley, and the reasoning that went into what they noticed.

Thanks, truly, for all of your support.

#5 of 12

A Levelled Series: The Foundation of Real Learning

Psychology, development, and education experts like Vygotsky, Piaget, and Kelly showed us that children develop in stages and learn best when they progress step by step, building on what they already know. This is why Happy Valley is carefully levelled, ensuring a solid foundation for young learners. From K1 to K3, each level scaffolds knowledge in a way that allows natural acquisition – without overwhelming students or skipping essential developmental steps.

Do you think a three-year-old can learn the same thing as a six-year-old, at the same time and at the same speed? 

Japanese Parents Value K1, K2, K3 Progression 

In Japan, parents see K1, K2, and K3 as necessary developmental stages, educationally, psychologically, and socially. A structured learning path is expected. Because of this, Japanese kindergartens are admired worldwide. A non-levelled series ignores this fundamental principle and expertise, forcing teachers to fill in the gaps and requiring extra training. Happy Valley removes this burden, making lessons smoother and more effective.

Plant, Teach, Review – Seamlessly and Naturally 

Happy Valley plants, teaches, and reviews new language in a way that children never notice, because they’re simply having fun! It supports cognitive growth, fine and gross motor development, and natural language acquisition, making learning effortless and engaging.

Happy Valley is the smart choice for structured, research-backed, and effective language learning!


To see our Happy Valley readers and learn sight words by playing games, visit Happy Valley Digital.

Our regular users love it.

“Happy Valley Digtal is a game changer.”
Jarred Anderson, Kiwi English

Slow reveal and what’s missing? are still two of our favourite flashcard games. What’s missing? is now on Happy Valley Digital.

What are your favourites?

See more games, routines and activities here, in the Routines, Games and Activities Bank.

Enjoy teaching your little ones, and remember, keep it simple!

More next week!

Happy Valley
Modern English

Did you miss the previous emails? See them here.

See the NEW Happy Valley DIGITAL LIBRARY for exclusive videos and other content:










学習学者のヴィゴツキー、ピアジェ、ケリーは、子どもたちは階段的に発達し、すでに学んだことを基に一歩ずつ進むのが最も効率的だと言いました。そのため、Happy Valleyは精心細かにレベル分けされ、若い学習者のための定着した基盤を確保します。K1からK3まで、そのレベルは自然な言語取得を助ける構造を持っており、学生を負荷を負わせることなく、必須の発達階段をとばすことなく学ぶことができます。



日本の親はK1、K2、K3の毎のステップが重要な発達段階であると認識しています。構築された学習パスは必須です。このため、日本の保育園は世界中で騒がれます。レベル別でないシリーズはこれを無視し、教師が試行錯誤でコンテンツを実装することになります。Happy Valleyはその負荷を除き、自然で効率的な英語学習を実現します。


Happy Valleyは言語を著実し、教え、復習する一連のサイクルを構築しています。子どもたちは大好きな遊びをしながら自然に学びます!言語の取得だけではなく、認知的成長や精大動作能も支え、効率的で楽しい学びを実現します。

Happy Valleyは構築的で、研究に基づいた、効果的な言語学習の最適な選択です!



ジャレッド・アンダーソン、Kiwi English

「スローリビール」や「What’s missing?」は、私たちのお気に入りのフラッシュカードゲームのひとつです。「What’s missing?」は、ハッピーバレーデジタルでも楽しめます。



以前のメールを見逃しましたか? ここでご覧ください。



Happy Valley

See the NEW Happy Valley DIGITAL LIBRARY for exclusive videos and other content:
ハッピーバレーデジタル –  NEW Happy Valley DIGITAL LIBRARY 独占動画やその他のコンテンツが満載です。

Visit the online library at!のサイトでデジタル・ライブラリーをご用意しています!

See our past newsletters on the Happy Valley blog!

Modern English offers several newsletters (Happy Valley, Moran Actually, and news and announcements). Control which types of mail you receive by clicking “update your preferences” below.

モダンイングリッシュはいくつかのメールマガジンをお送りしております(ハッピーバレー、モーランアクチュアリー、ニュースとお知らせ)。どのメールを受信するかを「update your preferences」にクリックして選択していただけます。

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