Where’s My Hat? Ask and Answer with Happy Valley’s Kinka and Pinka! 私の帽子はどこ?!ハッピーバレーのキンカとピンカと質問して答えましょう!

Where’s My Hat? Ask and Answer with Happy Valley’s Kinka and Pinka! 私の帽子はどこ?!ハッピーバレーのキンカとピンカと質問して答えましょう!

This week’s video shows how to ask where something is—very useful! Children can also give a simple answer to the question! 今週のビデオでは「~はどこ?」の形の質問の例を見せます。便利なフレーズですよね!子供は簡単に答えることができます! Classroom Tip Watch the video and then let students pretend they are Kinka and...
Fly, Swim, Dive and Crawl Along with Kinka! キンカと一緒に飛んで、泳いで、潜って、はってみよう!

Fly, Swim, Dive and Crawl Along with Kinka! キンカと一緒に飛んで、泳いで、潜って、はってみよう!

Kids like to move and play while they learn. This week’s video shows you different ways to move. It’s great for kids who love animals, too! 子供は動いて遊んで学ぶのが好きです。今週の動画では色々な動きを紹介します。動物が好きな子は大喜び! Classroom Tip Fly, Swim, Dive, Crawl is a great song for getting...
How Are You? Have a Simple Conversation With Pinka! 元気?ピンカと簡単な会話をしましょう!

How Are You? Have a Simple Conversation With Pinka! 元気?ピンカと簡単な会話をしましょう!

Asking “How are you?” is a great way to start a conversation. Let this week’s video show you how to ask and several different ways to answer. 「お元気ですか?」と訊くことは会話を始めるのにとても役に立ちます。今週の動画で訊き方と色々な答え方を見てみましょう! Classroom Tip Here is another important function...