Happy Valley 2 & 3: Lesson Plans Update

Happy Valley 2 & 3: Lesson Plans Update

Hello, Everyone. The Happy Valley 2 and Happy Valley 3 Lesson Plans are up for Units 1 to 5. Units 6 to 10 will be up next week along with the updated Games and Activities Guide. Also, my co-author, Simon Moran, and I will be at Maruzen in Osaka this Sunday, March...
Happy Valley 2 & 3: Lesson Plans Update

Happy Valley 2 & 3: Lesson Plans

Hello, Everyone. Hope your Spring is springing and you’re excited for the new academic year in April. When not going here and there presenting, I have been working on updating all the Happy Valley documents you’ll need from April. The Teacher’s and...
Happy Valley 2 & 3: Lesson Plans Update

Unit 10 Lesson Plans

Hello, Everyone. Thanks for continuing to check the blog. Today I am writing to let our users know that the U10 Lesson Plan Sheets have been updated. Sorry if this caused any inconvenience, but I hope you will click here to download the new ones.  You can also go to...