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Kids love vehicles! Let’s learn some vehicle names in English. 子供は乗り物が大好き!英語で名前を覚えましょう!

Kids love vehicles! Let’s learn some vehicle names in English. 子供は乗り物が大好き!英語で名前を覚えましょう!

Many children love cars and trains, whether toys or the real thing. This week’s video will make English more fun by teaching them words for things that they like! 多くの子供はおもちゃであれ、本物であれ、車や電車が大好きです。今週の動画で好きな物の名前を教えることで英語をさらに楽しくします! Classroom Tip This is the first chant in...

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Kinka and friends! Let’s meet some Happy Valley characters! キンカと仲間たち!ハッピーバレーのキャラクターに会いましょう!

Kinka and friends! Let’s meet some Happy Valley characters! キンカと仲間たち!ハッピーバレーのキャラクターに会いましょう!

Do you know the characters who appear in this week’s video? Learn their names in order to enjoy Happy Valley even more! 今週の動画に出てくるキャラクターの名前を知っていますか?みんなの名前を覚えると、さらに楽しくなりますよ! Classroom Tip This chant from Happy Valley 1, Unit 1, isolates our main characters, who appear...

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Verbs help us play! Let’s learn some action words. 動詞で遊ぼう!動作を表す言葉を覚えましょう!

Verbs help us play! Let’s learn some action words. 動詞で遊ぼう!動作を表す言葉を覚えましょう!

Verbs are great for describing things you do or things you want to do. Let’s take a look at some playtime verbs in this week’s video! 動詞は何かをすることや、したいことを言うのに便利です。今週の動画で遊びの時間の動詞を見てみましょう! Classroom Tip This is the second chant in Happy Valley 3. With only 4 vocabulary,...

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The most important meal of the day! Let’s learn some breakfast words! 一日でもっとも大切な食事!朝ごはんの言葉を覚えましょう!

The most important meal of the day! Let’s learn some breakfast words! 一日でもっとも大切な食事!朝ごはんの言葉を覚えましょう!

Learn some breakfast words from this week’s video. Then you’ll have a chance to practice English every morning! 今週の動画で朝ごはんに関する言葉を覚えると、毎朝英語の練習ができますね! Classroom Tip This chant from Happy Valley 3, Unit 1, isolates vocabulary for popular breakfast foods. Students can...

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Black, White, Brown, Red. Learn all the colors! くろ、しろ、ちゃいろ、あか。色を全部覚えましょう!

Black, White, Brown, Red. Learn all the colors! くろ、しろ、ちゃいろ、あか。色を全部覚えましょう!

Colors are fun and easy-to-use words, and this catchy song will help you learn and practice them. See all the colors here. 色は楽しくて使いやすい言葉です。一度聴いたら頭から離れないこの歌で学び練習しましょう!ここで全ての色がみれます。 Classroom Tip The final song in our colors series, learning colors with this song has...

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What animal has a long neck? A giraffe! Let’s learn some animals! 首の長い動物はな~んだ?キリン!色々な動物を覚えましょう!

What animal has a long neck? A giraffe! Let’s learn some animals! 首の長い動物はな~んだ?キリン!色々な動物を覚えましょう!

Kids love to learn about animals! You might not see these animals in your everyday life, but that just makes them more exciting. 子供は動物について学ぶことが大好きです!この動物たちは日常生活で会えないものもいますが、それがさらに子供たちをワクワクさせるでしょう! Classroom Tip Use the video to do the Let’s Learn page vocabulary...

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Let’s Count! Count the Animals! 動物を数えましょう!

Let’s Count! Count the Animals! 動物を数えましょう!

Animals are fun, and the more the better, so long as you don’t have to take care of them all! 動物って楽しい!たくさんいるともっと楽しいね。ただし自分で世話をしなくてもいいのなら・・・。 Classroom Tip During Happy Valley 1 Unit 10 Storytime, use this to introduce the main vocabulary and target language. After...

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Let’s Count! Ten Little Presents! 数えてみよう!10個のプレゼント!

Let’s Count! Ten Little Presents! 数えてみよう!10個のプレゼント!

Getting a present is very exciting, especially when you’re young! Please enjoy the ten presents in this video! (Although we don’t show you what’s inside!) プレゼントをもらうと、特に子供の場合はワクワクしますね!この動画に出る10個のプレゼントをお楽しみください!(中身はお見せしませんけどね!) Classroom Tip This is a great song for...

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A present please! Let’s ask for things in English! プレゼントをください!英語でお願いしてみましょう!

A present please! Let’s ask for things in English! プレゼントをください!英語でお願いしてみましょう!

This week's video shows a simple but polite way to ask for something you want. It's easy to practice at mealtimes! 今週の動画は、何か欲しいものがあるときに使う簡単で礼儀正しい言い方を紹介します。食事のときに練習してみましょう! Classroom Tip Practice the target language from Happy Valley 1 Unit 8 with this video. After,...

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Yes! No! Practice these basic answers with Kinka and Pinka! イエス!ノー!キンカとピンカと一緒に基本の返事を練習しましょう!

Yes! No! Practice these basic answers with Kinka and Pinka! イエス!ノー!キンカとピンカと一緒に基本の返事を練習しましょう!

In this week's video we use a song to practice the most basic words for answering questions, yes and no. 今週の動画では歌を使って一番簡単な返事の言葉、イエスとノーの練習をします。 Classroom Tip The Yes, No Song is great for working on answering Yes/No Questions. Use it with Unit 8 of Happy Valley 1....

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