今週はハッピーバレー スチューデントブックのストーリータイムページで使えるルーチンを紹介します。
Routine 1
Before playing the track, see if students know anything in the picture. Teacher plays track and points to the characters as they speak and vocabulary being spoken. Teacher interacts with the story by showing appropriate emotional responses to the story (e.g., when something is funny, teacher laughs).
Routine 2
Before playing the track, teacher checks if students know anything in the picture. To foreshadow what they will hear, ask students questions the narrator will ask the characters in the story. Play track and point to the characters who are speaking and vocabulary being spoken. Teacher interacts with the story by showing appropriate emotional responses to the story (e.g. when something is funny, teacher laughs).
Routine 3
Before playing the track, check what students remember by asking them to point to what they know. Ask questions about the picture. Play the track and when the narrator asks a question, stop the track and let students answer.
Routine 4
Play the track first. Teacher asks relevant questions about the picture. See if students can ask the teacher or other students, What is it? or What color? while pointing to something in the picture.
まずCDを再生させます。先生が絵について質問をします。生徒が先生や他の生徒に「What is it?」や「What color?」と指さしながら質問することが出来るか見てみましょう。