Routine 1
Teacher asks students who the characters are. Teacher plays the CD track and points to the character speaking, while listening to the whole dialogue. Play the track again, stopping after each character’s part and having the students repeat.
Routine 2
Teacher asks students who the characters are. Teacher plays the track and points to the character speaking, while listening to the whole dialogue. Play the track again; stop the track after each character’s part and have students repeat. Then a student takes one character’s part and says the lines, while the teacher plays the other part.
Routine 3
Teacher asks students who the characters are. Teacher plays the track and points to the character speaking, while listening to the whole dialogue. Teacher asks, “What did (character) say?” If students can’t answer, play the track again, stopping the track after each character’s part and having students repeat. Then ask again who said what. Students take one character’s part and say their lines, while teacher plays the other part.
先生が生徒にキャラクターの名前をたずねます。CDを再生し、ダイアログを聞きながら話しているキャラクターを指さします。生徒に「What did 〇〇〇(キャラクター名)say?」と質問します。もし答えられない場合は、もう一度再生して、それぞれのキャラクターのパートでCDを止め、生徒に復唱してもらいましょう。その後にもう一度同じ質問をしましょう。
Routine 4
Teacher asks students who the characters are. Teacher asks, “What did (character) say?” If students can’t answer, play the track again, stopping the track after each character’s part and having students repeat. Then ask again who said what. Students take one character’s part and say their lines, while teacher plays the other part.
先生が生徒にキャラクターの名前をたずねます。生徒に「What did 〇〇〇(キャラクター名)say?」と質問します。もし答えられない場合は、もう一度再生して、それぞれのキャラクターのパートでCDを止め、生徒に復唱してもらいましょう。その後にもう一度同じ質問をしましょう。その後は、一人の生徒が一つのキャラクターを演じ、先生が別のキャラクターの台詞を言います。
Use the puppets from the Student Book to do the dialogues.