Guessing Game
Choose a flashcard and describe it in terms of size, color, numbers, body part, and/or shapes.
T: There are 3 circles. It’s blue and yellow.
S: Bubbles.
T: There are 3 circles. It’s blue and yellow.
S: Bubbles.
Hide and Seek
Students sit down and place their hands over their eyes.
T: Close your eyes.
While teacher hides flashcards around room, teacher and students count down from ten to zero very slowly. Once you reach zero say, Stand up!
T: It’s a (cat). What is it?
Students search room for the (cat) card. The student who finds the card hands it to the teacher.
S: Here you are.
T: Thank you
S: You’re welcome.
T: What is it?
All S: It’s a (cat).
Repeat until all cards are found.
T: Close your eyes.
先生が部屋にフラッシュカードを隠している間、先生と生徒は10から0までゆっくりとカウントダウンします。0になったらStand up!と言います。
T: It’s a (cat). What is it?
生徒は部屋の中で(cat)のカードを探します。 カードを見つけた生徒はそれを先生に渡します。
S: Here you are.
T: Thank you
S: You’re welcome.
T: What is it?
S全員: It’s a (cat).