Action Games: “Chant and Throw” and “Charades”

Action Games: “Chant and Throw” and “Charades”

These two games will get your students moving and having fun while practicing vocabulary! この2つのゲームで体を動かしながらボキャブラリーを覚えましょう! Chant and Throw This is a fun way to introduce and practice new vocabulary. Hold up a flashcard and introduce the target language. T: It’s a...
Happy Valley Games: Basket Drop

Happy Valley Games: Basket Drop

  This week’s game is good for introducing or reviewing vocabulary, and controlled practice. In our example, we’re using number vocabulary, but it should work for any unit’s vocabulary. You need two baskets, and the Happy Valley flash cards.  ...
Happy Valley Routines: Let’s Sing and Move! ハッピーバレーのルーチン:歌って動きましょう!

Happy Valley Routines: Let’s Sing and Move! ハッピーバレーのルーチン:歌って動きましょう!

This week we introduce some routines to use with the “Let’s Sing and Move” pages in the Happy Valley Student Books and “Goodbye” routines to end class.   今週はハッピーバレースチューデントブックのLet’s Sing and Moveのページで使えるルーチンと授業の終わりのルーチンを紹介します。   Let’s Sing and Move Routines...