Place all flashcards face down around the edge of the table or in a circle on the floor. Jump round the table and have the students follow. Say, Stop! Flip over the nearest and introduce the target language.
T: It’s a (shirt). What is it?
S: It’s a (shirt).
Repeat for remaining cards.
すべてのフラッシュカードをテーブルの縁、あるいは床の上に円を描くように裏返して置きます。テーブルの周りをジャンプし、生徒についてこさせます。Stop! と言います。最も近いフラッシュカードをひっくり返し、ターゲットランゲージを紹介しす。
T: It’s a (shirt). What is it?
S: It’s a (shirt).
Lucky Dip
Place flashcards in an opaque bag. One student pulls out a flashcard and holds it up.
T: It’s a (banana). What is it?
S: It’s a (banana).
Repeat the activity, encouraging a different student to select a flashcard each time.
T: It’s a (banana). What is it?
S: It’s a (banana).